Auburn Creed

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)


Game Watching: Auburn Vs. Furman 11/07/2009

HEY GUYS!!! Sorry about the misinformation this morning about no game watch this week. Well, we have found a spot. We will be meeting at the Spectator in Queen Anne.

529 Queen Anne Avenue North
Seattle, WA
Ph: (206) 599-GAME

They will have breakfast and ESPN GAME PLAN!!!
However, they are 21 and over… sorry. 🙁

Come join us and watch the Auburn Tigers’ 2009 Home Coming Game!!!
The game time will be at 10:30 AM!!!

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Please let me know if you have any questions… Also we will be collecting for the food drive and w will also have Food Drive Shirts Available!!!

No game watching this week … (correction: We are watching a game this weekend)

Correction (11/06/2009 16:20) :
We will be watching the game this weekend at Spectators in Queen Anne.

War Eagle Everyone,

With Auburn’s win against Ole Miss last week, it is hard for me to announce that we will not have a game watch this Saturday (11/07) for the Auburn Vs. Furman game. We tried to find a place where they are broadcasting the game, however, we were not able to locate a venue. But don’t worry we will have a big game watching event for the Auburn Georgia game!!! More details to come in the near future about the location for the Auburn UGA game.

Few club related announcements:

1) A reminder that we will be collecting for our fall food during the Auburn UGA game!!! So bring your donations to the game watch!!!

2) Our Fall Food Drive Shirts are in, so let me know if you are interested in purchasing a shirt. Each shirt is 22 dollars. The earning from the shirt sale will go to the Seattle Auburn Club.

3) We have a Logo contest winner!!! Congrats to Andy Hall from Atlanta for contributing to our Logo contest.
Click here for the logo contest results

4) The southern schools in Seattle will be doing a toy drive for Toys for Tots on December 2nd at Barca in Seattle from 6-9 pm. I will post a separate entry about this soon.

5) Finally, Seattle UGA Club have asked if we would like to watch the Auburn UGA game with them. I would like your feedback on this? Let me know, I will finalized our decision in the next couple of days.

Well.. that is all for now… Have a wonderful home coming weekend!!! WAR EAGLE!!!

Min-Hsao Chen
Seattle Auburn Club President


Please come and join the Seattle Auburn Club in cheering on the Auburn Tigers bright and early on Saturday as they face off against another SEC team, Ole Miss. The kick off will be at 9:21 AM PST or 11:2 A1M CST. As usual, We will be meeting around 9:00 AM PST at one of our favorite sports pub in Seattle, Buckley’s in Queen Anne. Oh and don’t worry, Buckley’s is kids friendly!!! AND Buckley’s have a wonderful breakfast!!!

The address is as follows:
Buckley’s in Queen Anne
232 1st Avenue West
Seattle, WA‎
(206) 691-0232‎

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OH!!! and the Food Drive shirts are in and they are beautiful!!!!!!! They are $22 each and we have a very limited supply for each shirt size (XL, L, M, S), so first come first serve let us know if you want to reserve one and we will save one for you!!!

Don’t worry, if you miss this opportunity you can always order the shirt online directly from our printer. (website coming soon)

ALSO!!! We will also announce the logo winner this weekend so vote for your favorite club logo today!!!

So, Please come join us this weekend and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Kick Off Time Set For Ole Miss

The Auburn football game against Ole Miss at Jordan-Hare Stadium on October 31 st will be televised by The SEC Network. Kickoff is slated for 11:21 p.m. CT (9:21 AM PST). It will be Auburn’s first appearance on the SEC Network, and just the second day game of the season for the Tigers.

The Seattle Auburn Club will try to locate a location for this game watch… keep your eyes on our website for updates!!!

Game Watching: Auburn Vs LSU (10/24/2009) NEW NEW LOCATION!!!

Please come and join the Seattle Auburn Club in cheering on the Auburn Tigers on Saturday 10/24/2009 as they face off against the other SEC Tiger team, LSU. The kick off will be at 4:30 PM PST or 6:30 pM CST. As usual, We will be meeting around 4:30 PM PST at Sports Restaurant (dining room 1) across the street from the Space Needle!!!!! PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE MEETING AT A NEW PLACE!!!! NOT BUCKLEY’s or Jillian’s for this week!!!!!!!

Thanks to Laura, we will have a private room with 5 TVs all to ourself!!!

The address is as follows:
Across the street from the Space Needle
140 4th Avenue North Suite 130
Seattle, WA 98109
dining room #1

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During this game watch meeting, we will also going to be taking preorder for our Fall Food Drive Tee Shirts. The money from the shirt will go toward the club funding and also toward the Beat Bama Virtual Food Drive, if the tee shirt sale is good. So pre order your shirts!!!


Vote for the New Club Logo

[poll id=”3″]
Logo 1 submitted by Min-Hsao Chen

Logo 2 submitted by Kim Gutierrez

Logo 3 submitted by Andy Hall

Logo 4 submitted by Wes Davis
This logo is hand drawn, as an idea… will be converted to a graphic soon.

Logo 5 and 6 submitted by Andy Hall

The Granite Curling Club

image1916Ever thought about Curling? What is Curling? Well you can find out this Saturday!!!
The is having an Open House from 12-4PM Saturday Oct. 17th. The cost is $10 and the bar will be open. Our very own Auburn Alum Charles will be there as an instructor. Here are the links.

If you have any questions contact Charles.
206 856 6050

Seattle Auburn Club Fall Food Drive Tee Shirts!!!

Wonderful news everyone!!!

We’ve got approval from the Auburn SGA to use their Food Drive design on our club food drive t-shirts!!!

So this is what it looks like!!!
The front will have our club logo!!!
… Polls for the club logos will open tomorrow!!!

We are taking pre orders for the t-shirts … some shirts will be available for sale at the Auburn vs LSU game!!!
— UPDATE: 10-16-2009: we may not be able to make the T-Shirts for the LSU Game but the Ole Miss Game … yes!!!…

Email with your pre-order number and size. the price is yet to be determined. We are still looking for the most cost effective printer.

All earning from the Shirts will support the club funding, and if the shirt sale is excellent, we will also contribute to the Beat Bama Food drive.

Game Watching: Auburn Vs Kentucky (10/17/2009)

It was a tough lost against Arkansas last week, but that was the past and the season is still young and I know we will be back in the top 25 rankings soon!!!

Please come and join the Seattle Auburn Club in cheering on the Auburn Tigers on Saturday as they face off against yet another SEC team, Kentucky. The kick off will be at 4:30 PM PST or 6:30 AM CST. As usual, We will be meeting around 4:15 PM PST at one of our favorite sports pub in Seattle, Buckley’s in Queen Anne. Oh and don’t worry, Buckley’s is kids friendly!!!

The address is as follows:
Buckley’s in Queen Anne
232 1st Avenue West
Seattle, WA‎
(206) 691-0232‎

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Please come join us and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

War Eagle!!!

Min-Hsao Chen ’99 EE

Seattle Auburn Club Fall Food Drive!!!

Please join the Seattle Auburn Club our first annual Fall Food Drive!!! In order spread the Auburn spirit and help the local community food bank, we are going to start an annual fall food drive. All food collected by the Seattle Auburn Club will be donated to Northwest Harvest (

We will collect food at every game watching up to the Auburn Alabama Game.

At the same time, we also want to promote the “Beat Bama Food” Drive back in Auburn.

Help the Auburn SGA and the Auburn ALUM win the food drive competition against Alabama. You can donate online. Just click on the link below and check it out.
SAC Fall Food Drive