Auburn Creed I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.
I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.
I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.
I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.
I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.
I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."
And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)
By minhsao, on October 1st, 2014 Sorry for the multiple entries about the same game watch event.
I’ve made a mistake on yesterday’s Game Watch post. The date for the game watch is 10/4/2014, this coming Saturday and Not 10/7/2014 as posted and send out last night.
Our website (last entry) have been corrected and all invitation on Facebook are verified.
Thanks for your understanding and I hope to see every one on October 4th for our game watch against LSU.
October 4th, 2014
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Buckley’s on Queen Anne
232 1st Ave W
Seattle, WA
(206) 691-0232
By minhsao, on October 15th, 2013 After a long and tough year, Auburn is finally back on the top 25 ranking (24 on the AP and ESPN poll).
This Saturday, the Western Texas A&M Club invited the Seattle Auburn Club to join them in their game watching event at the World Sports Grille (formerly Jillian’s).
The game kickoff is at 12:30pm PDT.
So come and join the Seattle Auburn Club to cheer on the Auburn Tigers against the number 7 ranked Texas Aggies.
By Jared, on August 1st, 2013 War Eagle Seattle Auburn Club!
Hope everyone is well and excited for the upcoming football season. Just one month away! It’s our hope that we can continue to gather for weekly game watch events throughout the fall. In order for that to happen though, we need some members able to become club officers.
We’d like to get together for a meeting sometime next week (most likely Tues or Wed evening) to discuss the future of the club. It would be great to have as much input as possible so please respond with what day would work best if you’re interested in attending and we’ll set a date and location by this weekend. Also please contact us ( if you aren’t able to attend, but have interest in being an officer. The only requirement is that you be a member of the Auburn Alumni Association.
Thanks and War Eagle!
By minhsao, on October 23rd, 2011 Hello Seattle Auburn Club,
Recently, the our website has been going up and down. This is because of my server that I was using to host our site. It has been pretty unstable, so this weekend, I moved our server to a new hosted site. Both SeattleAuburnClub.COM and SeattleAuburnClub.ORG works now. The .org site of course is the primary since we are an organization after all, but both URL will take you to the same site.
So what will you see from this upgrade? Well, hopefully no more website outages, and hopefully a much faster response.
Thank you for everyone’s patience during the last couple of weeks of inconsistant outages.
If there are any problems, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks again and WAR EAGLE!!!
PS. I am still trying to get our emails to work after the migration, I will provide updates
By Jared, on August 29th, 2011 Football is almost here! The defending National Champions kick off the 2011 season on September 3rd at 9am PST. The Seattle Auburn Club will hold the first game watch of the season at Buckley’s On Queen Anne. The QA location has recently expanded, adding more seating and 50″ HDTVs. They have a great breakfast menu for these early games.
We’ll also be giving away raffle prizes every week throughout the season; including National Championship hats and shirts.
And as always, the Queen Anne Buckley’s is open- all ages. So bring the whole Auburn Family.
War Eagle!
By Jared, on August 6th, 2011 
Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 4-8pm at the Nickerson Street Saloon. Located at 318 Nickerson St in Seattle, WA at the south end of the Fremont Bridge …just west of Lake Union.
To All Alumni and Fans of the Southeastern Conference:
The 2011 College Football Year is just around the corner, and it is time for the 4th Annual All Southeastern Conference College Kickoff Gathering Party here in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, WA area). This year the event will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2011 from 4-8pm at the Nickerson Street Saloon just south of the Fremont Bridge. You will be able to eat and drink with plenty of parking. It will be lots of fun!
This is a 21 and over only event.
By minhsao, on November 28th, 2010 
WAR EAGLE Everyone,
It is the end of the year and it is almost that time for your ALUM membership renewal. Usually, we don’t talk about membership fees, however, since we stop collecting our local membership fee, our only source of income is from the Auburn Alumni Association. So please sign up and make sure you point to the Seattle Auburn Club!!!
A little bit about Membership-.
Beginning Oct. 1, 2010, 79 different Auburn Clubs will be part of the membership unity program. This includes the Seattle Auburn Club. The following link will have more information on Membership Unity from the ALUM:
Once again, Please remember to use our membership unity code to ensure your club is credited for memberships.
Membership Unity Registration:
By minhsao, on November 28th, 2010 Hello Everyone,
I just want to let everyone know that, I’ve added email subscription to the Seattle Auburn Club’s website. Just look on the upper right hand corner of the Seattle Auburn Club website and you will see the email icon. Click there or here and fill in the requested information and you well be updated every time our website updates!!!
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
By minhsao, on November 22nd, 2010 War Eagle and Happy Thanksgiving Seattle Auburn Club!
It has been a while since my last email to everyone, so I wanted to write to everyone and talk about some of our up coming events and the future direction of the Seattle Auburn Club.
First of all, I want to recap some of the awesome game watching events this fall.
⇛2010 is our first year for the Seattle Auburn Club to watch an Auburn Football game in 3D!!!!
⇛2010 Successful Food drive!!
⇛Huge turn outs of 30+ people at the Clemson, LSU & UGA games!!!
Next the up coming games and events!!!
⇛ Auburn Alabama game watch (IRON BOWL!!!!)
⇛SEC championship Game watch
⇛and not to count chickens before they hatch, but OBVIOUSLY we are all hoping for an Auburn v Oregon match up in THE bowl game in Glendale, AZ!
⇛Finally, Winter is upon us so our annual Seattle Auburn Club Ski Trip is coming up. Please let me know know you are interested in attending, if we have enough people, we can get a group rate. It should be a great season for skiing!
If you have a suggestion for an Auburn Club activity that isn’t football related or ski trip, let us know what you want to do. This is your club after all!
Additional things coming down the pike — The Seattle Auburn Club Charter states that all officers are limited to two successive years in the same office and shockingly I’ve maxed out my time as President. Wow, that went fast, but the timing is conveniently coinciding with many personal and professional changes in my life.
We have 4 offices in our Club that will need to be filled for outgoing officers….
President–Min Hsao Chen
VP–Laura Mason
Treasure–Wes Davis
Secretary–Jared Porter
All these are open and available if you are interested or have questions about a specific role /responsibilities –just ask
Official duties would start in February 2011.
The current officers will hold a Seattle Auburn Club officer’s meeting/ Bloody Mary/Mamosa round up, one hour before the SEC championship game watch on December 4th at Noon (waiting for confirmation that we’ll be at Buckley’s Belltown location). If you are interested in holding an office for our Seattle Auburn Club, we invite you to join us. If you can’t make the meeting on December 4th–that’s okay too, just send me an email letting me know you are interested and for which office and I’ll follow up with you.
Don’t worry, I know that carrying the torch is a big commitment, but we are all here for you. We will all still be here next year to help to insure a smooth transition and the success of your term in office.
Happy Thanksgiving and WAR EAGLE!!!
Min-Hsao Chen
By minhsao, on November 4th, 2010 NINE games down and UN-defeated! WAR EAGLE!
Join us at the Buckley’s Belltown location to watch the Auburn Tigers in our Homecoming Game against TN-Chattanooga.
Kick off is at 10:00 AM 11/06/2010!!!!
We’ll be in the amaller GREEN room–ask at the hostess stand if you can’t find us.
As always Buckley’s is family friendly.
*** For the UGA game on November 12th at 12.30 we’ll be hosting our annual Food Drive for the YES we Cam- Can Drive** start stocking up now and see you there***
See you soon.
War Eagle!
– Seattle Auburn Club
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