Hello Seattle Auburn Club,
Recently, the our website has been going up and down. This is because of my server that I was using to host our site. It has been pretty unstable, so this weekend, I moved our server to a new hosted site. Both SeattleAuburnClub.COM and SeattleAuburnClub.ORG works now. The .org site of course is the primary since we are an organization after all, but both URL will take you to the same site.
So what will you see from this upgrade? Well, hopefully no more website outages, and hopefully a much faster response.
Thank you for everyone’s patience during the last couple of weeks of inconsistant outages.
If there are any problems, please feel free to let me know.
Thanks again and WAR EAGLE!!!
PS. I am still trying to get our emails to work after the migration, I will provide updates
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