Auburn Creed

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)


Game Watching Picture from 09-09-10

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Game Watching Photos from 09-04-2010

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Game Watching: Auburn Vs. Clemson 9/18/2010

Come Join the Seattle Auburn Club and Watch the Auburn Tigers play against the Clemson Tigers… IN 3D!!!!!
Yep, we will be watching the First Auburn 3D football game at the Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant on the upper level of Pacific Place in Downtown Seattle!!! Don’t worry the 3D glasses will be provided!!!

The Kick Off is at 4:00 PT/6:00 CT on 9/18/2010!!!

Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant (Pacific Place)
600 Pine Street
Seattle, WA‎
(206) 405-4205‎

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A. This is the only bar in all of WA to where you can watch 3D TV!! I was there to watch the VT vs Boise State game is it was quite cool.

B. The 3D TV’s are in the Bar–obviously no one under 21 is allowed in the bar. That being said Gordon Biersch has a private room with a TV where families can watch the game. If you are interested, let me know so I can reserve it for us. UPDATE: The event will be in a private room “IT IS NOW FAMILIES FRIENDLY!!!”

C. Gordon Biersch said they’d reserve tables for us in the bar if we let them know how many AU fans will be there–RSVP with a number in the comments section if it’s going to be more than just you –so we get the right number of seats

D. Rumor has it they’ve invited the Clemson Club too–so let’s show them some WDE PRIDE!!

I hope to see everyone there!!! WAR EAGLE!!!

NOTE: The game is also broadcasted on ESPN3 (if you have comcast Internet you have ESPN3)


Game Watching: Auburn Vs. Mississippi State 09/09/2010

Please come and join the Seattle Auburn Club in cheering on the Auburn Tigers as they face their first SEC opponent of 2010, Mississippi State. The kick off will be at 4:30 PM PST or 6:30 PM CST. PLEASE NOTE: This is a THURSDAY GAME!!!! We will be there 15 minutes before 4:30 PM PST at one of our favorite sports pub in Seattle, Buckley’s in Queen Anne. Oh and don’t worry, Buckley’s is kids friendly!!!

The address is as follows:
Buckley’s in Queen Anne
232 1st Avenue West
Seattle, WA‎
(206) 691-0232‎

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Please come join us and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
And if you can’t join us for the game watch, remember, the same is on ESPN3 (available on Comcast Internet).

Min-Hsao Chen

Auburn ranks as one of the top 50 public universities in U.S. News survey for the 18th consecutive year

Auburn University is ranked 38th among public universities nationwide, up from 39th last year, according to an annual survey released by U.S. News and World Report today. The ranking marks the 18th consecutive year the magazine has ranked Auburn among the nation’s top 50 public universities. Click here to read more.

September 2010 Club Update

WAR EAGLE Everyone,
It has been a while since I wrote to everyone and provided an updated on our upcoming club activities. In addition, the Seattle Auburn Club is the busiest during fall season. Therefore, I want to update everyone on few upcoming events.

1) First, The Seattle Auburn Club will be hosting a pre-football season happy hour on 9/1/2010 at the Dock in Fremont!!! Check out the link below for additional details.

2)Second, as everyone is aware, the 2010 football season is just right around the corner and as always, the Seattle Auburn Club will be hosting game watches for every game. So keep checking the website for game watching locations every week. The first games will be at Buckley’s Queen Anne. Also the second game of the season is a Thursday Night game !!!!

Dates Time Vs. Location
Sept 4th SAT 4:00PM Arkansas State Buckley’s Queen Anne
Sept 9th TH 4:30PM @Mississippi State Buckley’s Queen Anne
Sept 11th NO SAT GAME
Sept 18th SAT 4:00P Clemson Buckley’s Queen AnneGordon Biersch

So come and join the Seattle Auburn Club this Saturday (9/4/2010) and cheer on the Auburn Tigers as they face their first opponent of 2010, Arkansas State. The kick off will be at 4:00 PM PST or 6:00 PM CST. We will be there 15 minutes before 4:00 PM PST at Buckley’s in Queen Anne. Oh and don’t worry, Buckley’s is kids friendly!!!

The address is as follows:
Buckley’s in Queen Anne
232 1st Avenue West
Seattle, WA
(206) 691-0232

Check out the following link for additional details.

3) I want to remind everyone that we have multiple ways to share club related information. Of course, the most popular methods are using Facebook and also our website. Also, if anyone is interesting in providing fresh new content for our club website or would like to be the voice of the Seattle Auburn Club’s twitter feed, please let me know. Thanks!!!
Yahoo Mailing List:

4) Finally, If anyone have any ideas or would like to organize a group fun active for 2010 and 2011 year, feel free to speak up. We are always open for suggestions and new ideas!!!
WAR EAGLE and hope to see you at a game watching event!!!

Min-Hsao Chen
Seattle Auburn Club President

UPDATES 09/08/2010: The Auburn Clemson Game will be at the Gordon Biersch in Pacific Place instead of Buckleys on Queen Anne.

First 2010 Auburn Game – Auburn Vs. Arkansas State

Please come and join the Seattle Auburn Club in cheering on the Auburn Tigers as they face their first opponent of 2010, Arkansas State. The kick off will be at 4:00 PM PST or 6:00 PM CST. We will be there 15 minutes before 4:00 PM PST at one of our favorite sports pub in Seattle, Buckley’s in Queen Anne. Oh and don’t worry, Buckley’s is kids friendly!!!

The address is as follows:
Buckley’s in Queen Anne
232 1st Avenue West
Seattle, WA‎
(206) 691-0232‎

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Please come join us and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Min-Hsao Chen

PS… If you can’t make the game watching… this game is live on

3rd Annual Seattle Area SEC Football Kickoff Event

WAR EAGLE Everyone!!! Join the Seattle Auburn Club and other SEC Clubs around the Seattle Area in celebrating the 2010 SEC Football Kick-off party!  Please check out the following information and hope to see you guys there!!!


3rd Annual Seattle Area

SEC Football Kickoff Event

Saturday, August 28, 2010

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Jillian’s on Lake Union
731 Westlake Avenue North; Seattle, Wa 98109

All alumni and friends of SEC and southern universities are welcome!

v  Our group will be on the main billiard floor.

v  Individual checks for attendees.

v  Come ready to connect with other alumni in the area and talk about SEC football!

v  Contests for prizes will be included!

v  Children are welcome at Jillian’s (until 9:00 p.m.)

RSVP to your alumni chapter/club leader so we can ensure we have appropriate space.

SEC Alumni Give to Our Community

In the spirit of the SEC Education Initiative which provides resources to educate and prepare children for life, we are collecting school supplies for R.O.A.R. of Washington at this event.

R.O.A.R.’s mission is to to ease the burdens of the homeless and disadvantaged while they seek education and employment. One way they do this is by providing children who are a member of a low income or homeless family with school supplies.

So, please bring new school supplies and/or backpacks full of school supplies to donate to R.O.A.R.


Contact the 2010 event coordinator, Nancy DiFrancia, at or 425-749-6897.


Pre-Football Happy Hour

War Eagle!!

As the football season approaches we thought it’d be great to gather together for an Auburn Club Happy Hour!  Bring Friends, Bring Family–gather & gab!!  We’ve picked Wednesday, September 1st at 4.30-5.00 at The Dock (  in Fremont. There’s parking–happy hour till 6 pm and a dandy little deck to catch some rays of sunshine after work.

First Football game is September 4th at 4pm. Arkansas State–game watching details to follow shortly.

War Eagle & Hope to see you soon!

Min & Laura

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AU’s Annual A-Day Game!—Saturday, April 17th @ 11 am

War Eagle Everyone!
Come out and watch the A-Day game with us at The Scarlet Tree @ the corner of 65th NE & 8th NE. Plenty of parking & easily accessible via bus.

The Scarlet Tree
801 NE 65th St Suite C
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 523-8888

The Scarlett Tree is owned by Auburn Alum & for this game they are offering up a Bloody Mary drink special as well as adding a Tigers Benedict to menu (rumor has it there are GRITS & TIGER prawns involved in this dish)!
War Eagle!