Auburn Creed I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.
I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.
I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.
I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.
I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.
I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."
And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.
-George Petrie (1945)
By minhsao, on February 17th, 2010 Hey Everyone,
Have everyone been watching the Olympics? Do you want to try an winter olympic sport? if some of you can’t make the ski trips, come and join Charles for some Curling. The Seattle Granite Curling Club is having an open houses on Feb. 20, 21, 27, and 28. Charles will probably be there on the 20th and 21st. If a group wants to attend, we can probably arrrange for all of them to be in one session together. The bar will be open and the HiDef TV has Canadian satellite live coverage of the Olympic Games. The cost is $15 per person or $40 for a family.
Let us know if you guys are interested.
By minhsao, on February 17th, 2010 War Eagle Everyone,
Come join the Seattle Auburn Club for the first of many Ski trips for 2010.
1) We will meet at the Park and Ride near I-405 and NE 160th Street (EXIT 22 on I405)around 7:00AM to 7:20AM on Saturday the Feb 20. From there we can carpool to Stevens.
2) If you are heading up in your own ride.. the slopes open around 9:00 am. We will meet near the front of center lodge, where the ski ticket counter is, until 9:30. I will be wearing red and white top black helmet and black pants.
3) We will meet for lunch at the front of the center lodge around 1:00pm and decide on which lodge we should go for lunch. I suggest we go to the Foggy Goggles, where we can have a sit down/ full service restaurant.
If you have a cell phone and need to get a hold of me just call 509-771-2315. All cell phone should work.
Well… I hope I covered everything….
Even though the road is probably going to be fairly good, lets be safe and make sure to carry chains when you head up toward Stevens and don’t take RWD cars…. FWD or AWD are ok!
And Drive Slow and be careful. If you have any questions, please give me a call.
Looking forward to see everyone there.
War Eagle!!!
Min-Hsao Chen
By minhsao, on February 8th, 2010 
Join alumni from a variety of Southern Universities for a happy hour at the Frontier Room February 10th. The Frontier Room will also have a live bluegrass band playing at 8:30 so stop in early for a drink or stick around for the music!
If we get enough people to rsvp, they plan on extending their happy hour specials for our group until 8pm so feel free to bring a friend or two.
See you there!
Also take a look at the Facebook Page for additional details. See you there and WAR EAGLE!!!
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By minhsao, on February 6th, 2010 Calling all Snowboarder and Skiers. It is that time of the year again, yep, it is time for another Seattle Auburn Club Winter Ski Trip!!!
This year we are going to do something different, instead of going one place for one ski trip, we are going to plan for 3 trips at 3 different mountains.
So here is the current suggested dates.
Steven’s Pass – 02/20/2010
Crystal Pass – 02/27/2010
Snoqualmei Pass – 03/06/2010
I can arrange for discount tickets, if we get a big enough group for any one of these dates.
So email me, or leave a comment on the website and I will have more details as we get closer the the actual date.
By Laura, on December 30th, 2009 Due to the 8AM New Year’s day game time we will not be hosting a game watching event–our regular haunts don’t seem to be open at 8 am Friday morning. That being said–The Scarlet Tree (in Roosevelt/Green Lake) is owned by Auburn Alumni and will be serving delicious breakfast & showing the game!
The Scarlet Tree
Seattle, WA, 98115
- 206 523 8888
By minhsao, on November 30th, 2009 Hello Everyone, Please join the Seattle Auburn Club and the rest of the Southern Schools, on December 2nd from 6pm to 9pm at the upstairs portion of Barca for another Southern School holiday happy hour. We will be doing a toy drive benefiting toys for tots. So bring all your toys and gift and see you there. If there are any questions or comments please let me know. Thanks!!!
Barca Seattle
1510 11th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122-3904
(206) 325-8263
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By minhsao, on November 24th, 2009 Come join the Seattle Auburn Club, the day after thanksgiving for some Auburn football, as our Auburn Tigers takes on the #2 ranked Alabama!!! This will be a great and amazing game!!!
We will also be giving away some wonderful Auburn related door prizes, so bring your friends and family and come and join the fun!!!
The kick off will be at 11:30 AM PST or 1:30 PM CST. As usual, We will be meeting around 11:15 AM PST at one of our favorite sports pub in Seattle, Buckley’s in Queen Anne. Oh and don’t worry, Buckley’s is kids friendly, the food is great, and there are street parking available.
The address is as follows:
Buckley’s in Queen Anne
232 1st Avenue West
Seattle, WA
(206) 691-0232
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Please come join us and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
War Eagle!!!
Min-Hsao Chen ’99 EE
By minhsao, on November 17th, 2009 
Are you going back to Auburn for Iron Bowl this year??? if so you should check out this website. Your Auburn Alumni Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Merchants Association and the Auburn/Opelika Tourism Bureau have produced this Web site to
help you make your plans for an Iron Bowl Thanksgiving!
By minhsao, on November 16th, 2009 Thanks everyone for a great turn out for our first annual fall food drive and for the Auburn vs UGA game watching. Even though Auburn lost the game against UGA, I think we definitely won in spirit and excitement part in Seattle!!! War Eagle!!!
There are few more big events coming up soon before the year end so keep in checking our website, but for now enjoy the pictures from last Saturday!!
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By minhsao, on November 12th, 2009 WAR EAGLE EVERYONE!!!
With Auburn’s big home coming win, we are now 7-3 and eligible for a bowl game!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Please come and join the Seattle Auburn Club, this weekend, as we join the University of Georgia’s Alumni club to watch the Auburn Tigers vs UGA Bulldogs. It will be a fun and friendly game watch as we go over to UGA’s home game watch location, the Frontier Room.
2203 1st Ave
Seattle, WA 98121-1614
(206) 956-7427
Game time is 4PM PST kickoff.
The Frontier Room now has surround sound and they will be offering us: $5 Beam, $1 Ribs, and $.50 wings
BIG NOTE: Kids ARE allowed in the booth/ table area, but NOT in the bar with high tables area.
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Also this Saturday will be our first annual Fall Food Drive, so remember to bring in some non-perishable food!!!
This will also be UGA’s Dawgs Feeding Dogs campaign where they donate dollars to Bulldog Haven NW. Please bring in some food and some donations to support both causes!!!
Finally, UGA is expecting around 20+ people, let’s all come and cheer for our Auburn Tigers and out number the Georgia Dawgs !!!! 🙂
It will be a fun and exciting day!!!
If there are any questions, please let me know. Thanks!!
Min-Hsao Chen, Seattle Auburn Club President